Welcome to WEDGE & WING EYELINER MAPPING AND DESIGN COURSE with Teryn & Amber. This class is specifically and laser focused on eyeliner design. The very first step in tattooing an awesome eyeliner is understanding how to design a beautiful eyeliner and being able to execute a beautiful design. This course will cover how to map, mark and design eyeliners including eyeliner wings, wedges, corners, the width and the bottoms.
Do you think your eyeliners are thick enough only to have them shrink down to skinny little liners during the heal? Having to re-do eyeliners and thicken them up quite a bit at the follow up? Struggling to achieve perfectly symmetrical corners, wedges and wings? Struggling with bottom eyeliners? In this course, Teryn and Amber will teach in detail not just how to overcome each one of these challenges…but how to master each one of these challenges. This course not only gives the gift of knowledge, but the gift of time. Your eyeliners should be healing the exact size you and your client agree upon and they can. No more having to do a ton of work at the follow up having to thicken them up…who want to have to do that…not you and surely not the client.
Besides mapping, marking and design…this course is full of tips, tricks and general information that will level up your eyeliner game. We are so happy you are here and we know this course will be a game changer for you.
Once enrolled, please email us at [email protected] with your order number to receive access to the course. Please allow 24 - 72 hours to be given access to the course. Our office hours are: Tuesday through Saturday, from 10am - 6pm PST.
There is absolutely NO REFUNDS, NO EXCEPTIONS.
*Discount codes do not work on starter kit + course bundles as they are already heavily discounted*
Once a package leaves Girlz Ink and is with the carrier, Girlz Ink is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged packages or missing items. No refund or exchanges will be made on lost, stolen or damaged packages or missing items. By purchasing this product, you agree to these terms.